
Japanese translation (with Masumi Nakano) of David Stark, The Sense of Dissonance: Accounts of Worth in Economic Life (Princeton, 2009)
Japanese title: Tayosei to Innovation: Kachitaikei no Management to Soshiki no Network Dynamism (2011, McGraw-Hill/Nikkei) Pp. 1-443

Selected Publications

Social Networks and Strategy
(forthcoming, in Japanese)

Social Networks and Organizational Dynamics: Action, Empathy and Innovations in Management
(Yuhikaku, 2011 in Japanese, Social Network to Soshiki no Dynamics-Kyokan no Management, Pp. 1-307)

"Network Structures in Industrial Pricing: The Effect of Emergent Roles in Tokyo Supplier-Chain Hierarchies." (Co-authored with Douglas R. White), Structure and Dynamics. Vol. 2. No. 3, Ppl 1-25. 2007.

"An Integrating Core of Large-Scale, Regional Cluster: Assessment of Some Japanese Stylized Facts from Network Analysis" Soshiki Kagaku (Organizational Science), Vol 40. Pp. 55-65. 2007 (in Japansese)

 “Acyclic Depth Partition of A Complex Network: Hierarchies among Industries Embedded in Subcontracting Relationships of a Large-Scale Industrial District.” Sociological Theory and Methods, Vol. 18. Pp. 71-87. 2003

A Paradox of Embeddedness: Social Network Analysis of a Japanese Industrial District.
Ph.D. Dissertation. Department of Sociology, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Columbia University, New York, NY. May 2002